The sun also rises ernest hemingway 1968
The sun also rises ernest hemingway 1968

the sun also rises ernest hemingway 1968 the sun also rises ernest hemingway 1968

>Brett is afraid of being alone, and she thrives off of male attention, she goes on holiday with Cohn not because she really wants to move but because she is afraid of being along >Brett is also affected by the war, no one seems to be untouched by it >Brett does not want to be touched by Jake, she doesn't want to do other things besides sex, because she feels like she's being teased which she can't stand, and Jake can't have sex >radical modernist writing style: no poetic or descriptive language, weary, unenthused by life (a new voice for the world of postwar twentieth century) stripped of sentimentality (like his writing) and filled with people lacking hope

the sun also rises ernest hemingway 1968

>Just as abstract artists, deprived of the tool of representation, must wow us with composition, line, color, and perhaps sheer originality, Hemingway made up for his lack of a traditional story structure by means of characterization, description, dialogue, and style. >frustrating and dissatisfying reading experience, sense of destitute, nothing really works out or has the hope of working out, no character seems to be capable of attaining satisfaction or what they want >Hemingway writes in a way that is very taught, undescriptive to the point >This book is modern because it begins with Cohn, the way the story is set up makes it seems like he is going to be very important, or even the hero, and so this is a kind of throw away of previous/traditional literature by starting on a left foot in a sense

The sun also rises ernest hemingway 1968